This is the survey generation preliminary form to be submitted. When you submit the basic information about the survey and click Submit, it will redirect you to a dynamic survey form generation page.
This is the Dynamic Survey Form page that generates survey questions based on the 10 question types: text, para-text, mcq, checkbox, grid, open-grid, date, rank, scale and image. when you click on any of the button icons on the left side, a dynamic form in the middle part of the page will be generated. The left part has the 10 question types from which you can select a particular type of question. However, you first need to click the section button to create a section that will enable the disabled question types for you to select.(All question types are disabled by default)
This is the dynamically generated text type question. There's the question name, short description and question nature(numeric, alphanumeric and text) input fields for this type. The field generated from this question type would be text input field.
This is the dynamically generated para-text type question. There's the question name, short description and question nature(numeric, alphanumeric and text) inputs for this type. The field generated for the survey response would be a text area.
This is the dynamically generated mcq type question. There's the question name, short description and dynamic text question options inputs for this type. The field generated for the survey response would have the options as radio buttons.
This is the dynamically generated checkbox type question. There's the question name, short description and dynamic text question options inputs in checkbox form(multiple selections possible) for this type. The field generated for the survey response would have the options as checkboxes for multiple selection from the options.
This is the dynamically generated grid type question. There's the question name, short description and dynamic text question options(closed-ended) for both rows and columns as an (x,y) grid inputs in radiobutton form(one selection possible from each row) for this type. The field generated for the survey response would have the options as grid rows vs columns for single radiobutton selection from the options.
This is the dynamically generated open-grid type question. There's the question name, short description and dynamic text question options for both rows and columns as an (x,y) grid inputs in text form(open-ended) for this type. The field generated for the survey response would have the options as grid rows vs columns for open-ended text inputs from the options.
This is the dynamically generated date type question. There's the question name and short description. The survey response will have a date type input field associated with the question.
This is the dynamically generated rank type question. There's the question name, short description and drag and drop options. The drag options are unlimited while the drop option depends on the number that you provide. The survey response will have 2 drag and drop boxes(according to the screenshot provided) where you can drag and drop options according to the limits associated with the drop option.
This is the dynamically generated scale type question. There's the question name, short description, number of options,starting label, starting option, ending label, ending option and option gaps. The survey response will have the scaling from starting point number to ending point number with the aforementioned number gap with radio inputs.
This is the dynamically generated image type question. There's the question name and short description. The survey questionnaire will have a file type input field and the response will be a file stored.