Frequently Asked Questions

This section deals with the frequently asked questions regarding the application software.

Question types like 'mcq', 'checkbox', 'grid', 'open-grid' allows you to generate dynamic input fields. Just click these question types and add or subtract dynamic options tool with the '+' and '-' button respectively.

You can view the survey reports by going to any of the 'User', 'Organisation' or 'Admin' panel, go to survey actions and click the 'pie chart' icon. The survey reports are generated from the survey responses and survey questionnaire itself.

You can change the state of the survey through 'Organisation' panel and 'Admin' panel. In 'Organisation' panel, go to 'approve submissions' page, check the survey list actions where there's a 'like' or 'dislike' icon depending on the current state of the survey. toggle the state from 'waiting/draft' to 'live' by clicking.

For this, you'd have to go to the user panel. Check the survey list actions and click the 'play' icon which will take you to the response form page.

The survey analytics and reports helps you to understand how the survey is performing and what the market dynamics are from the survey responses i.e where the demands of products/services are heading.

you can edit a survey only if it's not in a 'Live' state, that is, active in public. First you need to ensure that your survey is in draft/waiting state by changing the survey state. Then you can edit the survey both in 'Admin' panel and 'Organisation' panel by clicking the 'pencil' button in the survey list.